
Rating system

I rank each of Alistair MacLean's books on a 10-point scale, showing how much I enjoyed them (a purely subjective quantity). This list contains every novel he wrote, as well as the fiction/nonfiction mixture The Lonely Sea (but not the "based on a story by Alistair MacLean" books published around and after his death). Within each category, books are ranked from best to worst; for example, I think The Satan Bug is the best of the 9-star books and Night Without End is the worst (but it's still a 9-star book!).

 (10 out of 10)

The Secret Ways



The Satan Bug

Ice Station Zebra

H.M.S. Ulysses

Night Without End



Where Eagles Dare

Puppet on a Chain

The Black Shrike

Fear is the Key

The Guns of Navarone

Caravan to Vaccares

Force 10 from Navarone



The Lonely Sea

When Eight Bells Toll

The Golden Rendezvous

South by Java Head

Bear Island



The Golden Gate


Breakheart Pass

The Way to Dusty Death

San Andreas



River of Death


Goodbye California









